Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mount and Pet gathering

For a number of reasons, I decided it would be better for me if I stopped raiding for a time. As much fun as raids were, I probably spent more time prepping for raids than I ever did playing D&D.

Without a commitment to raiding, I now am having a lot of fun doing other stuff, like maxing out Archeology skill, collecting pets and mounts and doing the "personal progression" bits in the Regrowth / Firelands region of Hyjal.

Here's are just a few of the rewards I have earned, all through daily quests. The firebird mount, of course, is the awesomest one. I got that for completing the Hyjal / Firelands daily quests. The white cat mount took three weeks of dailies for the Wintersaber Trainers in Winterspring. As I get more screen caps I'll post them for your amusement.