Sunday, April 1, 2007

This is NOT a fscking April Fool's joke, fer chrissake!

More bile and violent terroristic threats from America's own home-grown Taliban . . . over a 6-foot chocolate Jesus!

You might think I find this funny because I am pagan and most emphatically not a Christian. Things look very different when you see things from a magickal worldview. I don't see this as particularly funny. This is not about mocking Christ or any of his followers.

OK, apply the "Shoe on the other foot" test: "OK, so if it were YOUR Goddess, how would you feel?" If the situation were reversed and this were a Goddess statue and not ol' JC, with proper intent the act of eating an image of the divine is a profound magickal act. Offended? Not at all!

OK, eating the magically transformed body and and drinking the magically transformed blood of a god . . . a powerful statement of faith, a sacrament. Eating the mundane graven image of the body of a god, even a most tasty one . . . you're targeted for death threats.


fionn320 said...

I love the "I got a job and you don't" exchange. Reminds me why I don't watch TV anymore.